Training Guidelines

...............~*~Training Guidelines~*~............

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~Welcome to the Training Process~

On your week of training, just tell us what you did on each day. You might want to keep a word document with the 7 days of the week of training so you can remember what you did on each of the days.

At the end of this week, you will be able to fight crime anytime and defend yourself. You will also be stronger and be able to kick evil's behind all the time!

What was a good deed you did today:__________

How Many Push-Ups:_________________

How Many Crunches:__________

Did You Stretch:_____

Did You Eat your Fruits, Vegetables, and Vitamins:___________

If you wish to rank higher and higher on the Puff Ranking System, then continue this up every week! Just send us this form at the end of the weeks you do it and your rank will go up and up! We'll display your Puff Profile in the Profile section and rank on the Ranking section for everyone to see. We'll also send you a little e-badge.

You'll get great honors from us, be a good person, and be a strong, flexible, healthy girl who can kick serious butt! You go girl!


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