Profiles of the Puffs-in-training and the Certified Puffs

~Profiles of Puffs-in-training and Certified Puffs~

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::Profiles of Puffs-in-Training::


~*~Profile for Bwama: Puff in Training~*~

First Name: Bwama

Powerpuff Nick-name: Bobbysox

Powerpuff Color: Lavender

Powerpuff Powers: Make hair stand on end

Age: Old enough

Hobbies: Swinging on stars

Special Talents: Putting big toe in ear

Why do you want to train as a Puff: So I can star in their next movie

How would be an asset to the team: Able to get senior citizen discounts

If you were a Powerpuff Girl, what element would you be made from (other than sugar and spice) soy sauce

If you were a Powerpuff Girl, describe your personality: Powerpuff perfect

If you were a Powerpuff Girl, describe how you would look (hair style, hair color, etc...or just attach a drawing): Still working on this one


~*~Profile for Caren: Puff-in-Training~*~

First Name: Caren

Powerpuff Nick-name: Buggy

Powerpuff Color: Red

Powerpuff Powers: Talk to animals (of course, they don't always talk back)


Hobbies: Singing

Special Talents: I can cook a mean casserole!

Why do you want to train as a Puff: To save L.A. everyday

How would be an asset to the team: Dinner in a jiffy

If you were a Powerpuff Girl, what element would you be made from: Jamba Juice

If you were a Powerpuff Girl, describe your personality: Ready to go

If you were a Powerpuff Girl, describe how you would look (hair style, hair color, etc...or just attach a drawing): Short brown-hair, hazel eyes

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